Thursday, December 04, 2008

Did I somehow turned into a celebrity?

I don't really think so; but I somehow ended going to the last "Reunión Blogger Regia" and would probably be on the upcoming "Posada Bloggera 2008".
Here's the "official announcement":

Este 18 de Diciembre se llevara a cabo la Posada de Bloggers Regios en el Café Trecelunas (en el barrio antiguo).

Como siempre, estan todos invitados a darse una vuelta a conocer y socializar con todos los bloggers que típicamente se dan la vuelta en estas reuniones.

La anterior fué todo un exito y estamos seguros que esta tambien lo será.

Para esta ocasión debido a la temporada navideña, [...] Qué Comer estará dando algunos regalos como un iPod shuffle entre otras cosas.

Apunten la fecha en sus agendas y por ahi nos vemos."

If this keeps this entertaining, I might even post more often =P

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Firefox 3 Launch Party is on

After ages of not posting, I'm back with a revenge...As you might now know Firefox 3 has been kicking for a number of hours now to achieve some impressive numbers and would most certainly secure a place in the Guinness World Records.
Given that achieving such a fine product, with more than 15,000 improvements, is not small feat and my only contribution so far were a few bug reports and vote on bugs; it's only
fitting that I take responsibility and host a Firefox 3 Launch event like the ones cropping all over the world.
I've invited people from my day and afternoon job and many have asked what is all this about, so here's my plan for the perfect party for this coming Saturday (June 21st, 2008):
All the above is obviously on my wildest dream but it is feasible to some extent.
In the end we might end up being 5 or less people so my only commitment is to provide the place and a couple of beer cartons so we all get a good start; please BYOB and BYOB =)

I'm off now. See you there and please RSVP.
Everybody is welcome, so invite your friends if you feel like.